Thai App Center ขอแนะนำ Publisher to Word Converter

Convert your Microsoft Publisher (.pub) files into editable Word documents right on your Android device or Chromebook. Ideal for when you receive publications in the .pub format and can’t open them. Easily and quickly convert Publisher files from anywhere on your device, Dropbox, Google Drive, Box and OneDrive.

✔ Without limits on the file size and number of conversions
✔Convert documents from Publisher to Word (.docx), so you can view and edit them easier
✔You can convert files stored in Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, and OneDrive directly from our app
✔Works with .pub format produced by Microsoft Publisher
✔Fast and easy Publisher to Word conversion, won’t drain battery or resources

How to convert PUB to Word?

1. Tap on + button to add a Publisher file.
2. Choose to import files from your device or the cloud.
3. Wait for conversion to complete.
4. The converted file will be downloaded to your device and deleted from our server.
5. Open the converted file in Word or any other similar app. Edit and share your document with anyone.

Note: Free conversions take 1 hour to complete.

Download Publisher to Word Converter

สนับสนุนการแนะนำ Publisher to Word Converter โดย
รับผลิตน้ำดื่มโรงเรียน บริการส่งน้ำดื่มโรงเรียน
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